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Emerging technologies to elevate today's workforce

Employees practice communication skills in a safe setting with AI avatar tutors

A seamless learning journey

Step 1: Set your objectives

Define clear learning goals tailored to your organization's unique needs. TrainingLab offers categories such as Communication, Employee Onboarding, and Leadership that can help target exactly what a team, department, or organization needs.

Step 2: Learn concepts to practice

Each learning session introduces the employee to concepts and diagrams that summarize a specific communication skill that will need to be learned and practiced when working through a realistic scenario.

Step 3: Role-play with AI characters

Immerse your team in unscripted, narrative-driven conversations with AI characters. The AI characters are programmed for flexibility, contextuality, and safety. Each character has a unique personality and is part of a specific learning session. This allows the employee to practice with different types of personalities as they learn more skills.

Step 4: Receive instant, personalized feedback

Receive immediate, personalized feedback from AI tutors, adapting to each individual's unique method of communicating. When learning objectives are practiced in conversation, the feedback is displayed on screen immediately so that the employee knows that they practiced the skill successfully in real time.

Step 5: Monitor performance through compliant assessments

Prove mastery through assessments, ensuring tangible progress and effective learning for each employee. Performance data is provided to each employee after successful completion of a training session. The employee learns what they did well and what skills need improving.

Step 6: Track progress

Effortlessly monitor development, engagement and effectiveness through our intuitive employee dashboard. This dashboard can be accessed at any time, but is most useful after completing a session (quest) to see performance scores and to learn what areas need to be improved.

Step 7: Improve through continuous repetition

Continuously refine skills through short, focused quests, making learning an ongoing adventure. Repetition is the key to effective learning. Skills that have been learned and practiced will be required again for future quests. Continuous repetition ensures reinforcement of a particular soft skill when practiced with new AI characters.

Enterprise-ready solution

L&D compliant

Developed by Learning & Development experts, ensuring compliance and effectiveness.

Platform compatibility

Compatible with all platforms as TrainingLab with any desktop or laptop browser. 

Data security & privacy

All data is securely stored and encrypted.

Quick learning quests

15 minute learning sessions replace lengthy seminars. 



Interactive learning

©2015-2025 Zen Health Technologies, Inc. DBA TrainingLab. All rights reserved.